
It is Friday. Two weeks after we heard about the new diagnosis. Kamalashila’s treatment started on Wednesday, after a lot of preparation and some delay. Actually quite a lot of delay as he had been on the palliative path since the beginning of May. I felt quite privileged to be there when he received the first component of the treatment, a targeted therapy drug. Finally the cancer is actually being treated and at last this was not about alleviating and managing symptoms. It was a hugely significant moment. Of course there is no way of knowing how he will respond and if the drugs are doing what is hoped for. But it is incredible there is now a chance for a longer life, hopefully in reasonable health. It may not happen. But it may happen nevertheless. It is mind boggling what is happening now. Kamalashila is doing well and may be able to come home at the weekend. I am not counting on it. But perhaps it may go ahead?

Here at home I have rearranged the furniture in the front room and the bed room. Getting rid of some broken pieces. Marking the change in our lives. A new arrangement, a new outlook, another spin of the wheel. Here we go.

I met this cat earlier this week and it may be contemplating the change of seasons?
Categorised as treatment