Kamalashila is home and a new chapter begins. There is some admin to do. In previous months I had thought we would be doing death admin for him by this time. But it is going through lists of medication together, with their amounts and times a day they need to be taken. KS has phoned the hospital and the GP, and the attendance allowance people have me currently in their queue. I feel my feet on the ground. The slightly scratchy wool of the carpet rubbing against my socks. Muffled voices from the flat below. Shouts from some people working on the street. My eyes pick up the movement of cables clustering outside the window. The reflection of clouds in a window set in the roof opposite the house. And apart from the clouds, dark unidentified shapes and nothing much else can be seen. It is time to rest, to return, to pace and then to begin again. But maybe it is a bit too early for that. Some cautious planning. Looking a bit further ahead. And ordering more porridge. Because we are back.