I was very much enjoying a week without medical emergencies and some new and exciting offers of work flowing in. All was going well, apart from the broadband packing up and a family crisis. KS had his second round of treatment yesterday and all the various fluids went in one after another without any problems. The doctor had wanted another blood test, so this was attempted. Not much blood came out so the nurse ended up sending three vials with a small amount of blood to the lab, hoping it would all add up to be enough. After all was done, we had a bite to eat in the cafe of the cancer centre village, collected more drugs from the pharmacy, and then took a taxi home .
Today I went out shopping in an attempt to spend a voucher somebody very kindly sent to cheer me up. Next time more lucky. When I came home and walked into the flat, KS told me the doctor had just phoned. His potassium was too high and he had to go to A&E. Ok, I said, let me make a sandwich. I did and we took a taxi to A&E. We waited, an ECG was done, and a blood test, and then we waited some more. KS was feeling fine. We were hoping it was a false alarm. After a while the nurse helpfully told us the potassium was not high enough to be treated. It had either come down since yesterday or it was a false reading. We then waited for a doctor to arrive to confirm all of this. And this is what I am still hoping the story will be as I am typing on my phone sitting in a cubicle with KS. I am hoping we will just be going home together a bit later this evening. I am hoping we will celebrate a false alarm. And it was and we did. Home, and we encountered two foxes on the way.