
My Buddhist name is Yashobodhi. I received this name on my ordination in 2005. My civil name is Lucia van der Drift. I live in London. I have been teaching Buddhism, meditation and mindfulness in different settings for over 20 years. I am originally from the Netherlands, but have lived and worked in the UK since 2010, initially mainly teaching at the West London Buddhist Centre. I left my full-time position at the WLBC in 2018, though I am still teaching a weekly class for the centre on zoom. In the last few years I have been teaching mindfulness and meditation in a range of contexts, particularly with art works in museums.

I am also a writer. My two books on Buddhism were published in the Netherlands and for many years I contributed to an annual publication of Happinez magazine, writing short explanations to Buddhist quotes. I also published articles in a variety of magazines and was the editor of a Dutch Buddhist magazine. In 2018 I completed a course for facilitating expressive and therapeutic writing. I have been running a weekly writing group online since 2020. You can contact me by email: yb [at] yashobodhi [dot] org.