It is hard to imagine the joy I felt last week when Kamalashila was spending time on the Southbank with a good friend. Just the fact he could go out on his own, walk around and come back hours later. It made me so happy. He had, however, he was so sorry to tell me, lost his wedding ring. This is one of the rings that we ordered a few months ago. They had arrived and had turned out to be too big. Through no other fault than me having a narrowed awareness when it came to sizing. And KS’s fingers were thick with oedema at the time. So I was wearing my ring on my middle finger and his was on his index finger. Weeks later it occurred to me we could try my ring on his hand and have mine resized. It was a perfect fit on his hand. So I arranged to have the bigger one resized. I arranged it during one of these times he was either in or out of hospital: I have totally lost track. Then this morning as I was rooting around for a longer charging lead, because the sockets in his critical care unit are quite high up, I found the lost ring under his desk. I phoned him. I was so glad he picked up the phone, as texting is impossible at the moment. He was happy to hear it and called it auspicious. I very much hope that it is.